Thursday, July 30, 2009

C++ help??

Me and my friend are looking for a simple command-line C++ source code compiler. All It needs to do is to be able to compile C++ to a .exe using the command line. We would prefer one that does not have any fancy interfaces, just a compiler.

C++ help??
I'd recommend GCC (G++)

For Windows, you might find this helpful:
Reply:I have Turbo C++ compiler...Whenever you comile a C++ file it also creates a .exe file and stores it in the comipler output directory..that is, the directory where u are storing the compiled file
Reply:There are free compilers out there that can be used from the commandline. MS VC++ Express is free to DL and use. All express editions are

but for what you're asking. here's one from borland. DL link.


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