Friday, July 31, 2009

Compressing algorithm written in C programming?

I am looking for source code in C programming for compressing files and data. Can anyone tell me where I can get it free? Perhaps in some website?

Compressing algorithm written in C programming?
zlib is the most popular lossless compression avaliable, it is free and released under a liberal license, it reads and writes zip files, it is written in C, and it is easy to use.

How do I use the getdate() function to get the time and date of a machine usng C code?

I have to use the getdate() function and this is about all I know about it:

#include %26lt;time.h%26gt;

struct tm *getdate (const char *string);

the function getdate() converts a string pointed to by string into

the tm structure that it returns. Note the tm structure below this

table, it contains fields that record time too, not just date)

In short, my question really is, how do I use the getdate function, sample code would help. Even an online source would be helpful.

How do I use the getdate() function to get the time and date of a machine usng C code?
Please see if the following URL could be of some help for you.




Please note:

I had to insert line breaks as the complete URL was not visible when previewing my answer.

Added later:

getdate() is used to convert a string (which is user understandable broken down time) into the internal format in which it is stored (for the purpose of calculations).

if you need to convert the system time into a user understandable broken down format, then you need to use:

localtime() followed by asctime()

locatime converts the clock time into the tm structure format and this is converted into printable format by asctime.

Look at the code below. You can compile and run the same:


#include %26lt;time.h%26gt;

int main(void)


time_t timer;

// the following code gets the clock time


// the following line converts the clock time

// into the struct tm format (done by localtime())

// and prints it in the readable format (done by asctime())

printf("The current time is %s.\n",asctime(localtime(%26amp;timer)));

return 0;


Hope this helps.

How to make a sudoku generator easily on C++?

I'm a begginer in C++ and I want to write a sudoku source code in C++. I want to make a simple program. I've tried to write it but the code I've wrote doesn't run OK.

How to make a sudoku generator easily on C++?
The hardest part about this program will be figuring out the logic to ensure a "true" or "winnable" sudoku board is generated. Displaying a few numbers or whatnot should be easy for you.

Welcome to the real guts of programming. Probably up until now when you've wanted to write a program, the first thing you've done is open up your code editor and start typing. Now things are getting more advanced, and you need to change tactics.

Start out on paper. First of all make certain you know the rules of sudoku, then figure out a process to make a board. Maybe you'll start with the whole thing filled out (so that you know it's valid) and then remove numbers so that people can play. How will you remove the right numbers so that people can figure it out? That'll be something you'll have to figure out.

Try and split the big problem ("generating sudoku boards") into smaller tasks - already we've got: 1. creating a filled in board and 2. removing numbers for a person to play.

This is quite a challenge. You may even want to start with something easier - like a word search/jumble generator, before moving up to this move advanced game.

But - if you do figure it out, you can offer people endless sudoku games, or, if you know a publisher, sell some sudoku books.

Good luck!

Any decent c++ programmers out there to translate this code?

here is doom source code for a file called d_items. Need to know what it means. Is the variables = to a graphic or animation image? Notice upstate, downstate etc, are these animations of the character shooting the gun?

static const char

rcsid[] = "$Id:$";

// We are referring to sprite numbers.

#include "info.h"

#ifdef __GNUG__

#pragma implementation "d_items.h"


#include "d_items.h"

// PSPRITE ACTIONS for waepons.

// This struct controls the weapon animations.


// Each entry is:

// ammo/amunition type

// upstate

// downstate

// readystate

// atkstate, i.e. attack/fire/hit frame

// flashstate, muzzle flash


weaponinfo_t weaponinfo[NUMWEAPONS] =



// fist









// pistol









// shotgun








Any decent c++ programmers out there to translate this code?
There is no actual code here, it does nothing. These are purely structures containing definitions. Just as you would define a variable. It doesn't do anything until you reference it again and do something with it.
Reply:It's kinda chopped off, but what it looks like to me is a set of enumerations that define the state of a weapon animation. Without more of the code, I can't tell you if this is related to graphics or animations. My guess is that it describes the entire state of a weapon at a given point in time.
Reply:can't really tell by the code you posted. It's standard coding convention that those ALL_UPPERCASE variables are constants they never get changed. S_SGUN represents the same thing in this function as it will in any other function.

Judging by the comments about the upstate and downstate, it sounds like these are arrays holding the address or something similar to the animation code. They might be pointers to it.
Reply:This code is purely definitions, it does nothing. The images are stored somewhere else, probably in an external file.

order flowers

A C Program Decompiler.?

I Have a small .exe, it's 184KB in size, it's a shareware application, but it has not been updated in a while, the creator of the program dissappeared, and the source was never released, now there is a group of people that wants to update the program, but they cannot get in contact with the creator to ibtain the source code, i was wondering if there was a way to decompile this program, the only thing i know about it, is that it was written in C and it holds an FMC icon, i've seen this icon before and i know it's from the compiler, but i can't find the compiler. so i was wondering if there is a way to decompile this .exe back into C code.

A C Program Decompiler.?
It would probably be easier to just rewrite the program. Decompiling will NOT produce C source code. It will at best provide a very cryptic disassembly. Unless it is a very short program, you could spend a lot more time just sorting through the disassembly then it would take to rewrite. Unless you're comfortable reading assembly language, you might find it more difficult then you expect
Reply:The only way back to decompiling it would be to assembler code.

Plz help Write a program to calculate (20 number) ! ( factorial) with c?

hi im learning C ( with turbo C++ 4.5 )

our teacher ask us if any one can bring a simple source code of

factorial of 20 digit number i mean ( its over a belion number i think )

he asked us only C code not php or VB or anything else

so if any one can write such a program please help me with it

and i dont need any guide i need the program :D of course i need the headers to becuse i`m new to c and i want to learn the code

( headers like %26lt;stdio.h%26gt; and ...%26gt;

i also found a code in the internet but its a calculator and it has geraphic on it if any one want to watch it go to

i didnt understand it

ok guys im realy depending on u please help me with this

Plz help Write a program to calculate (20 number) ! ( factorial) with c?
hmm a 20 digit number would be X * x-1 * x-2... x-19

I guess the big question is, does it ONLY do 20 digit numbers? heheh. been a while since i did c, i'm a c# dev... but here goes. Not even sure if a 'long' would hold your result or not...

this won't work if a 'long' won't hold the result, it may overflow.

void main()


long value;

long result;

cout %26lt;%26lt; "Enter your number";

value %26lt;%26lt; cin;//can't remember if you can do this in c or not...

result = value;

if(value %26gt; 1)


while(value %26gt; 1)


value = value - 1;//decrement value

result = result * value;//multiply result by value


cout %26lt;%26lt; result;




cout %26lt;%26lt; "Must be a positive whole number greater than 1";



You know, thinking more about it, i don't think a long will hold the results... the Best way to do it would be a bit array and use binary multiplication. (can't say i remember how to do binary multiplication but it was something we covered in school...)

basically make a bit array that holds enough bits to calculate 99999999999999999999! and do binary math the same as the above code. :) good luck
Reply:Sorry about that. I fixed the problem:

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

// Need the climits file in order to know the maximum size of an unsigned

// long int.

#include %26lt;climits%26gt;

// Declare the class.

class Factorial {


Factorial(unsigned short num = 1);

bool inRange();

unsigned long getFactorial();


unsigned short num;

}; // End of class.

// Implement the methods:

Factorial::Factorial (unsigned short num) {

this-%26gt;num = num;


bool Factorial::inRange() {

// Maximum possible value for validation.

unsigned long max = ULONG_MAX;

// Loop from 1 to num, dividing the number from max.

for (int i = num; i %26gt;= 1; --i) {

max /= i;

} // End of the for loop.

// Return a true/false value.

if (max %26lt; 1) {

return false;

} else {

return true;


} // End of the factorialInRange() function.

unsigned long Factorial::getFactorial() {

// For the factorial.

unsigned long sum = 1;

// Loop from 1 to num, adding the result to the sum.

for (int i = 1; i %26lt;= num; ++i) {

// Multiply current sum times i.

sum *= i;

} // End of the for loop.

return sum;

} // end of the returnFactorial() function.

// Start the main() function.

int main() {

// Declare the variable for the user input.

unsigned short numberIn = 0;

// Prompt the user, take, and validate the input.

std::cout %26lt;%26lt; "Enter a small, positive integer: [##] ";

while (!(std::cin %26gt;%26gt; numberIn) || ((numberIn %26lt; 1) || (numberIn %26gt; 20))) {

// Problem! Clear cin and reprompt.


std::cin.ignore(100, '\n');

std::cout %26lt;%26lt; "I said, 'Please enter a positive integer.' Please: [##] ";

} // End of WHILE.

// Discard any extraneous input.

std::cin.ignore(100, '\n');

// Create the object.

Factorial f(numberIn);

// Print the results.

if (f.inRange()) {

std::cout %26lt;%26lt; "The factorial of " %26lt;%26lt; numberIn %26lt;%26lt; " is "

%26lt;%26lt; f.getFactorial() %26lt;%26lt; ".\n\n";

} else {

std::cout %26lt;%26lt; "The factorial of " %26lt;%26lt; numberIn

%26lt;%26lt; " cannot be calculated.\n"

%26lt;%26lt; "Use a smaller number.\n\n";


std::cout %26lt;%26lt; "Press enter. \n";


return 0;

} // End of the main() function.

How to view source code?

i have an exe file of a c++ program..i want to view its there any way i can open its code?

How to view source code?
The short answer is no. It's compiled and converted to binary for quick execution on the CPU.
Reply:Disassembling a program is a method of retrieving the source code of the program. This process can be buggy since data and commands look identical to a disassembler that doesn't know any better. The end result of disassembling a program is not the original source, but rather the assembly language equivalent of the compiled program.

You could try the following:
Reply:It is impossible to get the original source code from decompiling.
Reply:not really. As the exe file is in binary format you won't be able to get the original sourcecode. You can only disassemble (is this the correct word in English?) it. However it will not be very readable and you have to know Assembler programming.

Question about data source in C#, king of simple question?

Hi, I'm reading the book Visual C# step by step.

And in the code I have to write "Data Source =mcname\\sqlexpress";

the problem is that I'm not using SQLExpress so this statment is not working, With what I suppost to substitud the sqlexpress word? I try MSSQLServer but is not working. Please Help!!!

Question about data source in C#, king of simple question?
You need to put in the instance name of your own SQL Server that you are trying to connect too.

EDIT: example

server name \ instance name

MyHomePC \ SQLExpress

MyWorkPC \ SQLSrv1

spring flowers

Please help me sort this pseudocode out? Please do it in C language?

Sort the given array elements using the ff. pseudocode:

Array Elements:

Arr1[1] Reymar

Arr1[2] Dennis

Arr1[3] Volary

Arr1[4] Janine

Arr1[5] Mark



Set ctr1 to 1

While (ctr1%26lt;=N-1)


Set ctr2 to ctr1 + 1

While (ctr2%26lt;=N)


If (Arr1 [ctr1] %26gt; Arr1 [ctr2]) then


Set Temp to Arr1 [ctr1]

Set Arr1 [ctr1] to Arr1 [ctr2]

Set Arr1 [ctr2] to Temp


Increment ctr2


Increment ctr1



***Please do it in C language source codes, thank you.

I NEED HELP WITH C++!!!!!.....its a project...reply ASAP..?

in the following link...theres a c++ code of snake game...

i need the explanaton of the whole program in simple words...


I NEED HELP WITH C++!!!!!.....its a project...reply ASAP..?
sorry.. i cant help! i got c+ for my c++! lol

Please help me with this, heres the code? I need it badly please,..?

Sort the given array elements using the ff. pseudocode:

Array Elements:

Arr1[1] Reymar

Arr1[2] Dennis

Arr1[3] Volary

Arr1[4] Janine

Arr1[5] Mark



Set ctr1 to 1

While (ctr1%26lt;=N-1)


Set ctr2 to ctr1 + 1

While (ctr2%26lt;=N)


If (Arr1 [ctr1] %26gt; Arr1 [ctr2]) then


Set Temp to Arr1 [ctr1]

Set Arr1 [ctr1] to Arr1 [ctr2]

Set Arr1 [ctr2] to Temp


Increment ctr2


Increment ctr1



***Please do it in C language source codes, thank you.

Please help me with this, heres the code? I need it badly please,..?
please do my homework for me! I NEED IT BAD!!
Reply:You may contact a coding helper live at website like

trading cards

Where can i get the source codes for tree and graphs in c?

Are you asking about traversal code, or how to build one, or what?

Kruskal's algorithm for a minimum spanning tree (shortest traversal) for a (connected weighted) graph is the first link below.

Prim's algorithm for same is the second link below.

Note that both are in pseudocode. Without specifying a language, this is the generic solution.

Where can i get the source codes for tree and graphs in c?
try googling it or yahooing it

Wat wil b d source code f u r 2 input the number & d output wil b d word of d corresponding number e.g. 1-one?

it is a code on a visual c++ language. if am going to input number "1" the output will the word "one". how wil i solve this problem? could you help me? to all programmers i need you help


Wat wil b d source code f u r 2 input the number %26amp; d output wil b d word of d corresponding number e.g. 1-one?
Declare an 2-d array to store numbers converted into words.

char nums[][];

nums[0] = "zero";

nums[1] = "one"; ... like this initialize with required numbers upto 99 or what ever you want.

Divide the number by 10. Take the reminder and use that as subscript with the array to get the number.

For ex: if your input is 5, 5 % 10 gives 5.

nums[5] gives you Five.

Hope this is clear.

Can anyone tell me where i can find the source code for binary calculator.?

Hi friends, can anyone tell me where i can find the source code for an calculator that performs addition and subtraction using binary digits. i need it in vb or c or c++

Can anyone tell me where i can find the source code for binary calculator.?
I googled for it and found this:

If the source isn't available, try:

and query for it there.

Good luck!
Reply:Hi and just go to staples and ask them that do they have any source code for binary calculator
Reply:try these sites

How to write sudoku on c++?

i am having problems to write sudoku game in c++...... any source code or help would be appreciated

How to write sudoku on c++?
Pull down the source code from the GNOME Sudoku game site.
Reply:It is not that easy. May be you can contact a C++ expert at websites like to help you code it.
Reply:are you writing a sudoku puzzle generator, a solver, or a UI for users to solve canned puzzles? Be a little more specific about what you're trying to accomplish and ask a more specific question. What exactly are you having troubles with?

----- EDIT-----

The hardest part, and the first one you should tackle, is the generator. I'm attempting to write on of my own right now, and as you may have noticed, it isn't inherently easy to do. There are a number of concerns :

1. Should you randomly add squares, or generate a whole board and then take squares away.

2. The puzzle needs to be solvable.

3. The puzzle needs to have only one solution.

4. How do you rate the difficulty of a puzzle?

You'll need to work on the solver at the same time, because if you'll notice #2 above, you can't prove it's solvable without solving it yourself. I wrote a sudoku solver in college using the strategy design pattern. It worked fairly well, so you should try looking into that for your solver :

Now, obviously, after all this, the easiest and most fun part of this project is the UI. My suggestion is to either skip the generator and solver, write the UI, and find a way to consume canned puzzles from somewhere else. Look for a website that has daily puzzles or an RSS feed (I don't know if there are any) and consume them.

Good luck.

our song

Is it possible to create source code so that a vector image of an apple for example shows up in the program.?

Is it possible to create source code so that a vector image of an apple for example shows up in the program when executed on the computer language C++. Whenever I program with C++ the compiler only outputs chars, numbers, and signs not complex images.

Is it possible to create source code so that a vector image of an apple for example shows up in the program.?
You need to use some kind of graphics API to output your results.

In DOS, we used to use GDI.

In Windows we have to create a window using the Win32 API then use Direct3D or OpenGL to paint onto it. You must have the Windows Platform SDK installed to be able to use calls from windows.h, and you will need the Direct3D SDK installed if you want to use D3D.

In Linux or Macs we create the window using the window manager, and paint it using OpenGL.

For a platform independent (works on any computer) way to create the window and paint it we can use a third party graphics API like Simple Directmedia Layer (SDL).

Myself, I use the Irrlicht Engine, which is an open source 3D scene-graph API which works on multiple platforms and is very easy to load and render 2D or 3D graphics in a couple of lines of code without any of this hard work.

I need source code for "Budget Approval System" project in java, please?

I need source code for "Budget Approval System" project in java, please?

Abstract of the project

This project is aimed at developing a system by which the employees in the organization submit the bills to their managers. The bills could of various types and also of various amounts. The employee after submitting the bill will automatically provide the manager’s name to which the bill will be submitted. The bill will pass through a workflow process and the owner of the bill can view the status of the bill at any time. An email will be sent to the concerned people to let them know about the status of the bill.

Specific Technology keywords:

MS ACCESS/ORACLE, Java/C++, Apache(or any webserver), jsp, HTML

I need source code for "Budget Approval System" project in java, please?
You will not get it anywhere for free.

Cannot view source code?

When I try to view the source code of a website even my own site , even off line I get a pop up box with the title C\windows\system32\notepad.exe

The message says ..Windows cannot access the specified drive,path or file. You may not have the approprite permision to access them...............this has only started recently is it a windows security issue to do with XP ? Can anybody advise me..thanks

Cannot view source code?
Do a search for notepad.exe. Don't see it? Check for viruses. Insert Windows XP disk, look at additional features, and download the notepad.
Reply:It also might be a virus.

Go here:
Reply:Solution to your problem is, if you remember the date when your PC was working fine then do this:

System Restore, it will not delete or harm in any way.

Click Start

All Programs


System Tools

System Restore follow the screen guidance. Surely your problem will be solved.

Hope this will help you
Reply:Your Notepad is buggered.

Start %26gt; Run %26gt; Chkdsk /r , press y, enter, and then restart your computer

Cannot view source code?

When I try to view the source code of a website even my own site , even off line I get a pop up box with the title C\windows\system32\notepad.exe

The message says ..Windows cannot access the specified drive,path or file. You may not have the approprite permision to access them...............this has only started recently is it a windows security issue to do with XP ? Can anybody advise me..thanks

Cannot view source code?
Your text-editor file is deleted. you should put in your windows CD (while windows is already loaded) and their should be a repair or rebuild option. additionally, using this repair/rebuild option will fix a lot of problems with your computer. note that this will take a while. possibly up to an hour.
Reply:Your Notepad is buggered.

Start %26gt; Run %26gt; Chkdsk /r , press y, enter, and then restart your computer

flower pots

Anybody knows a 'C' code contest which is easier to participate by internet?

I have created a 'C' program with its pseudocode which generates a 'Magic Square' for any given integer between 2 and 101,all on my own. Ofcourse, I'd obtained the bare logics to do this from the internet. I've heard that this square has many significant applications in various technological fields! Could you please suggest if there is any use of programs which have their logics inherited from an unknown source? Also do you know how can I register this pseudocode or participate in a 'C' code contest which entertains remote participation?

And for those who dont know whats this square is... " A Magic Square of order 'n' is a square matrix containing distinct integers from 1 to (n*n) arranged in such a way that the sum of 'n' numbers in any vertical, horizantal or main diagonal lines is always the same number called the 'Magic Constant'.

Anybody knows a 'C' code contest which is easier to participate by internet?

sign up free their...
Reply:something that simplistic will not win you anything.

if you adapt your application to do something useful (perhaps to map out buildings?) then you could go somewhere with that.

Where do I find source code of linux commands?

Linux commands like cp, dir, ls, shred, man (etc...) are nothing but programs (hopefully all written in C). I would really like to know exactly how they work (and make a few modifications to some) so I need their source code...

Can you tell me where to find source code of linux commands?

Thank you in advance!

Where do I find source code of linux commands?
In general there are several places you can go to get the source for these commands. This is mostly because there can be several different implementations of the commands.

1) The company who distributed your version of Linux. Most versions of these types of commands are under the GPL and as such the person or company who gave you the executable has to make a copy of the source code available to you. Usually these are released as source rpms, and some times come on one of the CDs or DVDs that you used to install Linux with. You can often find them on the web too.

For example the RHEL5 Server source rpm (SRPM) is

Most of the time your distribution will have a tool like yum to install these and other rpms for you.


GNU probably wrote the commands that are on your distribution of Linux, although a few very specialized distros use different implementations of the commands (Usually busybox but this is really rare).

has instructions on how to download a very recent copy of the code, which may be much much newer then the version currently installed on your computer.


Some shells, like tcsh and csh have their own implementations of these commands built into them. This is because it is faster to run the command as part of your shell then to fork and exec a new command. So if you do change them be sure to check that you are actually running your updated version. BASH usually does not play these games but you can always check by running which followed by the name of your command.

What is Source Code?

I've got some options here, each of my friends said one of the differnt answers and we need a definative answer...

Source Code is

a. the result of compiler operations

b. the process of getting information from the processor

c. the of instructions in a computer language that solve a specific problem

d. the data stored in the computer memory

e. the values entred through the keyboard

What is Source Code?
c. - without a dout.

Why? Process of elimination :

a. answer for that would be machine code, MSIL, CLR, or something similar

b. not exactly sure of the answer for that one, but I think it is something like 'polling' - definitely not source code

c. Yes - this is what source code is (think the word'list' is missing, eh?)

d. the data stored is just that - data; in memory, it is binary, bits and bytes

e. the answer for this is 'input', or simply data

Figured this might help more than just giving a 1 letter answer : )
Reply:Search no more, it's definitely C. Soon as you'll start doing some, it'll come quite obvious to you :)
Reply:The Source code is the %26gt;%26gt;%26gt;set%26lt;%26lt;%26lt; of instructions in a computer language that solve a specific problem.(C)
Reply:Im going with C

Gba gps source code?

i read here "" that you can turn a gba into a gps but the source code is only for somewhere far away = :) has any body made this and written software for the u.s or just n.c? or has any body found software that would work? or does this thing even work? please tell! if you have the source code please email it to me at


Gba gps source code?
only the FBI

Source code plz??

can anyone plz give me the source code to convert a given integer no, to its corresponding binary equivalent.....i want it in c++ coding...plzzzzzzz...


Source code plz??;q=c...
Reply:Here are some examples:
Reply:wow thats complicated sorry i cant help you =/
Reply:Try the source.

C and C++ Language?

Can anyone tell me website that provide free download C and C++ Language source code and discussion forum?

C and C++ Language?
try this sites,
Reply:Here are some forums:

Here is where you will find source code for various programs:

How to find the source code?


i have a c++ compiler

and a program that i did not make and do not have the source code for

how do i use the compiler to find its source code?

and/or edit it

or do i need a whole different program do do sutch a task?

if so then can someone point me in the direction of the download?

How to find the source code?
"how do i use the compiler to find its source code?

and/or edit it"

This isn't happening. If the code isn't provided you are out of luck.

The best you can do is try to decompile to assembly instructions.
Reply:well if you got the program from the internet than you can right click n click on the view source butten.

If it is a regular program then if u put in the cd and search it for the source
Reply:you will need to find a decompiler, it will decompile that code, but there will be no comments and all variable/function names will lost and replaced with something like var1, var2, ... and func1, func2, func3...., this will make very difficult to follow the code and understand what is going on.

good luck

wedding flowers

Source code?

This is a second part to my earlier question, see below for link.

I believe I already found the source code, and the extention info that i got from microsoft says it is written in C++, however in a text document format, it is still mostly just giberish, not to may words. and I can not find a c++ decompiler that will open it. any ideas? and just for a disclaimer, i am only trying to learn more about this, and not do anything that would fall under computer ethics.;...

Source code?
what you're talking about is called 'reverse engineering':

compiled programs have no reason to be read in text document format: they are compiled code not a scripting language, and reverse engineering compiled code takes an intense knowledge of the language the software was written in as well as probably assembly language too because the output you're going to get is not going to look anything even remotely readable to the average human or anything like the original source code.

ultimately you're trying to massively over simplify something that is not at all simple - machines do not interpret human language, they interpret machine code which is why compiling is necessary for fast efficient software - and in your three questions on this matter pretty much all the answers given are giving the same response and they're correct.

this link will explain that in more detail:
Reply:There is no such thing as C or C++ decompiler. Compilation of C/C++ into executables is a one-way process. To a large extent, that is bread and butter of software industry.

The best thing you get from binary .exe or .dll file is annotated assembler code.

Decent disassembler must be able to produce it ( like IDA Pro ), however you need to know machine code quite well to be able to understand it.

This question is regarding "C " project.?

this question is regarding "C ". I have one C project source code. In that i have more than 1000 .c files. i just want to enhance(change) that project. After all the things i want my old source code .but we modified that source code.

my Question is Is there any such software by that we can retrive the old source cod?

This question is regarding "C " project.?
In order to have the luxury of moving back and forth in the timeline of project development, you need to either take backups manually, or use a SCM (source code management) software like SVN or BAZAAR.

paid survey

Anyone give me Media players Graphic equalizer Source code and Algorithm?

Plz can anyone give me Media players(WMP,Winamp,etc) Graphic equalizer Source code and Algorithm?

I don't need exactly the same Media players code but just a basic code for starting the design for Graphic Equalizers

(Visual C/c++ Language or VB or anyone)

What r the prerequisite knowledge to be had before goin to design graphic equalizer

Plz do also give a brief algorithm for it if possible

Thanks in advance

Anyone give me Media players Graphic equalizer Source code and Algorithm?
Google for IIR biquad filter (which is normally a good choice for this sort of thing).

You might also wish to look into pole/zero analysis in the S domain and the the Z transform for the gory detail of how to get a given filter behaviour, and the Parks/Mclaren algorithm for how to go from the Z plane equation to the recurrence relation you need to implement the filter.

Spending a minute in the music dsp mailing list archive turned the following 3 band C code up (converting to C++ should be trivial):

Code courtesy of : Neil C / Etanza Systems, 2006 :)


Simple 3 band equaliser with adjustable low and high frequencies ...

Fairly fast algo, good quality output (seems to be accoustically transparent with all gains set to 1.0)

How to use ...

1. First you need to declare a state for your eq


2. Now initialise the state (we'll assume your output frequency is 48Khz)


Your EQ bands are now as follows (approximatley!)

low band = 0Hz to 880Hz

mid band = 880Hz to 5000Hz

high band = 5000Hz to 24000Hz

3. Set the gains to some values ...

eq.lg = 1.5; // Boost bass by 50% = 0.75; // Cut mid by 25%

eq.hg = 1.0; // Leave high band alone

4. You can now EQ some samples

out_sample = do_3band(eq,in_sample)

Have fun and mail me if any problems ... etanza at lycos dot co dot uk

Neil C / Etanza Systems, 2006 :)

Code :

First the header file ....



// 3 Band EQ :)


// EQ.H - Header file for 3 band EQ


// (c) Neil C / Etanza Systems / 2K6


// Shouts / Loves / Moans = etanza at lycos dot co dot uk


// This work is hereby placed in the public domain for all purposes, including

// use in commercial applications.


// The author assumes NO RESPONSIBILITY for any problems caused by the use of

// this software.



#ifndef __EQ3BAND__

#define __EQ3BAND__

// ------------

//| Structures |

// ------------

typedef struct


// Filter #1 (Low band)

double lf; // Frequency

double f1p0; // Poles ...

double f1p1;

double f1p2;

double f1p3;

// Filter #2 (High band)

double hf; // Frequency

double f2p0; // Poles ...

double f2p1;

double f2p2;

double f2p3;

// Sample history buffer

double sdm1; // Sample data minus 1

double sdm2; // 2

double sdm3; // 3

// Gain Controls

double lg; // low gain

double mg; // mid gain

double hg; // high gain


// ---------

//| Exports |

// ---------

extern void init_3band_state(EQSTATE* es, int lowfreq, int highfreq, int mixfreq);

extern double do_3band(EQSTATE* es, double sample);

#endif // #ifndef __EQ3BAND__


Now the source ...



// 3 Band EQ :)


// EQ.C - Main Source file for 3 band EQ


// (c) Neil C / Etanza Systems / 2K6


// Shouts / Loves / Moans = etanza at lycos dot co dot uk


// This work is hereby placed in the public domain for all purposes, including

// use in commercial applications.


// The author assumes NO RESPONSIBILITY for any problems caused by the use of

// this software.



// NOTES :


// - Original filter code by Paul Kellet (musicdsp.pdf)


// - Uses 4 first order filters in series, should give 24dB per octave


// - Now with P4 Denormal fix :)


// ----------

//| Includes |

// ----------

#include %26lt;math.h%26gt;

#include "eq.h"

// -----------

//| Constants |

// -----------

static double vsa = (1.0 / 4294967295.0); // Very small amount (Denormal Fix)

// ---------------

//| Initialise EQ |

// ---------------

// Recommended frequencies are ...


// lowfreq = 880 Hz

// highfreq = 5000 Hz


// Set mixfreq to whatever rate your system is using (eg 48Khz)

void init_3band_state(EQSTATE* es, int lowfreq, int highfreq, int mixfreq)


// Clear state


// Set Low/Mid/High gains to unity

es-%26gt;lg = 1.0;

es-%26gt;mg = 1.0;

es-%26gt;hg = 1.0;

// Calculate filter cutoff frequencies

es-%26gt;lf = 2 * sin(M_PI * ((double)lowfreq / (double)mixfreq));

es-%26gt;hf = 2 * sin(M_PI * ((double)highfreq / (double)mixfreq));


// ---------------

//| EQ one sample |

// ---------------

// - sample can be any range you like :)


// Note that the output will depend on the gain settings for each band

// (especially the bass) so may require clipping before output, but you

// knew that anyway :)

double do_3band(EQSTATE* es, double sample)


// Locals

double l,m,h; // Low / Mid / High - Sample Values

// Filter #1 (lowpass)

es-%26gt;f1p0 += (es-%26gt;lf * (sample - es-%26gt;f1p0)) + vsa;

es-%26gt;f1p1 += (es-%26gt;lf * (es-%26gt;f1p0 - es-%26gt;f1p1));

es-%26gt;f1p2 += (es-%26gt;lf * (es-%26gt;f1p1 - es-%26gt;f1p2));

es-%26gt;f1p3 += (es-%26gt;lf * (es-%26gt;f1p2 - es-%26gt;f1p3));

l = es-%26gt;f1p3;

// Filter #2 (highpass)

es-%26gt;f2p0 += (es-%26gt;hf * (sample - es-%26gt;f2p0)) + vsa;

es-%26gt;f2p1 += (es-%26gt;hf * (es-%26gt;f2p0 - es-%26gt;f2p1));

es-%26gt;f2p2 += (es-%26gt;hf * (es-%26gt;f2p1 - es-%26gt;f2p2));

es-%26gt;f2p3 += (es-%26gt;hf * (es-%26gt;f2p2 - es-%26gt;f2p3));

h = es-%26gt;sdm3 - es-%26gt;f2p3;

// Calculate midrange (signal - (low + high))

m = es-%26gt;sdm3 - (h + l);

// Scale, Combine and store

l *= es-%26gt;lg;

m *= es-%26gt;mg;

h *= es-%26gt;hg;

// Shuffle history buffer

es-%26gt;sdm3 = es-%26gt;sdm2;

es-%26gt;sdm2 = es-%26gt;sdm1;

es-%26gt;sdm1 = sample;

// Return result

return(l + m + h);


Hope that gives the idea.

Regards, Dan.
Reply:google it
Reply:you can start by learning recursive algorithms. You tell by looking at the repeating and mirrored shapes and lines. Winamp and wmv graphics are recursive graphic algorithms, but i doubt if anyone will throw their code in your face. That stuff takes time and effort.

Plz if some one knowz any site regarding compiler construction ...i need source code for all the three phases?

i need source code for all the 5 to 6 C C++ or in OOP ............plz plz if someone has it giv me ur id ....

Plz if some one knowz any site regarding compiler construction ...i need source code for all the three phases?
You might try checking the GNU compiler collection site at

Just finished my c++ encryption program. Anyone want to check my code?

The source code for my encryption program is too big to fit here so i uploaded it as a text file to a file hosting site. The link is below. Its not strong encryption but its enough to be unreadable to the eye. There are 5 "encryption keys" that it has to choose from. Each file contains 254 five digit numbers it the format:





etc, etc.

I generated the files using another program I wrote. If you want that file a link to it is below with link to the keys also in case you want to try the program.

What do you think of my code? How can I improve it? I used basically all of my c++ knownledge in this program, based on that what should I learn next?


Key maker:



Just finished my c++ encryption program. Anyone want to check my code?

ifstream KeyRead;;



cerr %26lt;%26lt; "File failed to open for read. Program ending." %26lt;%26lt; endl;


return 1;


A file can be open but still in a failed state. You should read up on failbit, eofbit, etc. A common way to check for a properly opened file would be more like

if(! KeyRead) because operator! () will return true if failbit or badbit are set.


char OutFile[15] = "Messagex.encr";



OutFile[7] = FileTestTries+48;

This is goofy. Take the time to write a real (and genuinely useful) function that appends numbers properly to the end of a filename string. Using std::string this is brain dead simple and then just us string.c_str() if you need to dump to char* strings.

(3) int FileTestLoop - use bool with true/false.

(4) ofstream Write, KeyRead; -- *really* bad variable names. Outfile, ofile, something like that. You can easily be using a library some day that has some function named Write(). Not a show stopper but get in good habits now.

(5) for(int z=0; z%26lt;UserInCount; z++)

Minor but ++z is slightly faster so try to get into the habit of using it in loops like this.

It's late and I can't read any more but in general it looks like a good effort. Keep going and keep learning. You are off to a good start.

Where do i find free online source codes for my projects in C/C++?

Basically I have to do projects on topics like "File system management" on unix environment for an instance..i would like to know where i can find the ready made codes for such titles online for free..kindly help me out..

Where do i find free online source codes for my projects in C/C++?
just discover this website:

where there are tutorials and forums...pretty useful for me when I have to learn from scratch and write VBA this week.
Reply:Yes, and you probably ought to do them yourself. I'll bet you'd like the "ready made codes for such titles online for free", but I won't help you out if I give them to you. You won't learn by turning in other people's work. Not even if you re-type it and tinker it a bit. Pick a project, research it and write it. You have the knowledge and the skills if you're being asked to do this for a class. I've done mine, now you do yours.
Reply:I advice you the best programming center.

Only go there:

Thes site above is a famous in programming and other same things, you can find title of your topic there.

Oh, There is an other cool site which I can recomend to you. That is:

This site provides open sources which help you get what ever you want.

Be Succeed.

customer survey

I need the source code for multiplying two matrices with three nested loops.?

its better that the code be in C or C++

I need the source code for multiplying two matrices with three nested loops.?
Here is an implementation in C++:

// For the matrix multiplication to work the following must hold:


// The resulting matrix has the same rows as m1 and

// the same columns as m2

// You can change the following values as you like

const int M1Rows = 2;

const int M1COLUMNS = 4;

const int M2ROWS = 4;

const int M2COLUMNS = 3;

int resultRows = M1ROWS;

int resultColumns = M2COLUMNS;

int m1[M1Rows][M1COLUMNS];

int m2[M2ROWS][M2COLUMNS];

int result[resultRows][resultColumns];

int sum = 0;

// Here you have to initialize your m1 %26amp; m2 matrices

// Now here is the code to get the result of multiplying two

// matrices using 3 nested loops:

for(int x = 0; x %26lt; M1ROWS; x++)


for(int y = 0; y %26lt; resultColumns; y++)


for(int z = 0; z %26lt; M1COLUMNS; z++)


sum += (m1[x][z] * m2[z][y]);


result[x][y] = sum;

sum = 0;


Reply:Hmmm, this is a very cool one.

but I cant confirm that this is the right matrix, but this is the almost the same, that I used to type in my practical exams.

# include %26lt;stdio.h%26gt;

# include %26lt;conio.h%26gt;

void main()


int a[3][3] , b[3][3], c[3][3], i, j,k;

printf("\n enter matrix a 9 values : ");




printf("\n enter matrix b 9 values : ");






for(k=0;k%26lt;j;k++) // if you get error only this line has to be modified but dont wonder what can come, later ;)

c[i][j]=a[i][k] * b[k][j];

printf("\n multiplication matrix is : \n");


for(j=0;j%26lt;3;j++) {

printf("%d ",c[i][j]);






warm regards,


btw its C code

Can anyone give me an source code for any language?

i need a source code of any language such as, java, C++, C, pearl etc. thats is making calls to operating system and the source code if possible should come with explanation as to what is the program doing line by line


Can anyone give me an source code for any language?
You can download whole linux source code from redhat website.
Reply:I don't think so ..
Reply:Do your own homework.

How can i make a software application ? i have a source code?


this isi pani , i am an electrical engg planning to create a small software for electrical power control .

if any body good in this plz helpme .

I have source code for my project , i done it using C++ langauage. in C ++ editor it showing the output .

now i want to make that one as a software CD which can install

in WINDOWS and can be use just as other softwares.

How can i make a software application ? i have a source code?
as u r using turbo c editor to create the project, place ur .cpp file in the bin folder of tc and run ur project once.

After that an exe file will be created in the bin folder with same name as the .cpp file, copy that to a cd and u can use it any windows system.

How can i make a software application ? i have a source code?


this isi pani , i am an electrical engg planning to create a small software for electrical power control .

if any body good in this plz helpme .

I have source code for my project , i done it using C++ langauage. in C ++ editor it showing the output .

now i want to make that one as a software CD which can install

in WINDOWS and can be use just as other softwares.

THIS MUST EVEN THOUGH TURBO C++ is not in the system

How can i make a software application ? i have a source code?
Not sure if this will help, but Microsoft has Visual Studio for C and it is free. You can create installation packages using the software and it is free.

survey for cash

Any one know source code on how to copy data from external flash device in to my pc?

i have a flash 256 Mega. now i want to make a program that copys all the data from the flash in to my pc.

just when i install or put the external device in the proper place,

then automatical a newfolder is created so that all the data with in the flash memory will be transfer(or copied) into my pc.

i think this is possible using c,c++.

so can u suggest me any site or source code?

Any one know source code on how to copy data from external flash device in to my pc?

You can get into websites of SD, SDIO or MMC and get the details about the respective protocols and start going from there on. You need to develop firmware between your PC and the flash card and also an application at C++ to communicate with this hardware.


Source code & documentation of timetable generation project for colleges & universities.?

I need source code for timetable generation project.the code can be in any languages like C,C++,Java etc.

Source code %26amp; documentation of timetable generation project for colleges %26amp; universities.?
Open Office is still available and it works GREAT. Java has some nice apps and many a coder have assmbled some nice working apps in Java. look at or paul lutus.

If you are on a Windows2000 SP2,WinXP or Vista, do not do anywork online because Microsoft can legally say the work that you do belongs to Microsoft.

Still cannot figure why that company pushes so much online live work then has the audacity to claim ownership of ,,,oh wait,.,,,doh!

Anyone willing to give some good sources for learning Java, Joomla!, source code or all of them together?

I'm still in high school but I know I'm to try to major in Computer Sciences but it hits me: I have just about no knowledge in programming whatsoever.

The first thing I want to know about is using Java to create a program code. If anything, the Java is what I need the most b/c I figure I can pick up the source code and everything between there as I learn the Java.

Next I wanted to ask if anybody could provide a good tutorial for new Joomla! users. I'm interested in starting up my own business in the future and want to be prepared when the time comes for me to have to set up my own website, intranet, or anything else for the business.

If anyone could just list a few sources that they know of for one (or both) of the subjects, I'd be extremely grateful.

Thanks in advance!

Anyone willing to give some good sources for learning Java, Joomla!, source code or all of them together?

Some really good stuff....easy learnin'

Can u tell me where can i get the source code 4 some of the network application of client server?


Respected helpers!

can u help me where can i get the source code for one of the following client server applications:










Oh God! Just I badly need one of the above application which are

written by Java or C/C++.

So if you can please send me source code of one of the above or

direct me where the source code of them can be found!

With great DAy!

Can u tell me where can i get the source code 4 some of the network application of client server?


customer satisfaction survey

Where can I find source code for Unix commands.?

The source code may be in any language like c/c++/java.

Where can I find source code for Unix commands.?
It depends on exactly which source code you are looking for. If you are using something like Linux, which is a UNIX styled variant, then all the source code for all the programs comes with it. You even get the source code for the kernel, as well as for all the command line utilities and the GUI (KDE).

Of course, you can download them all separately too. For example, if you wanted the source code for all of the commands in binutils, you could download them from the GNU binutils site:

It also depends on which UNIX variant you want the source code for. Open Solaris ( has a source browser link on the home page.
Reply:Unix commands won't be written in Java lol sorry about that lol...

Try looking at the various Linux sites around. Linux is basically identical to Unix - the difference is that it's open-source. This means that source code for the entire OS is freely available - just search the net and see!


Need for a code source of chess program.?

I am an amateur programmer and a normal chess player. I searched web for a source code of a chess program but I didn't find many things.

Is any web site that give me a perfect little size "source code of chess program

written in Quick C 2.0 programming language" with maximum 5 mega byte size in FREE?!


Need for a code source of chess program.?
Search for a guy name of "brothercake" I think you will be happy to find what he has done.
Reply:There are many sources if you search the net... (pascal not c...)


and so on.

Where I can find a source code file of a chess program in free?

I am a chess player and amateur programmer. I like know how chess programs work.

I want a source file code of a chess program by C, C++, Basic or other programming languages(prefer C or C++).


Where I can find a source code file of a chess program in free?
Hi, I am a Chess player (Elo 2400+) and a Computer programmer. GnuChess have C++ Freecode and is very strong.

Have fun!
Reply:here are tthe source codes


islam inamdar

p.s. dont 4get to vote for best answer

Permutation code in C with no repetition?

can somebody give me the source code?

*much appreciated! :) thanks.*

Permutation code in C with no repetition?
HI ..

Try this site

best regards ...

free survey

Where can I find a source code file of a chess program in free?

What are the best web sites that contain free open source chess programs?

I am a chess player and amateur programmer. I like know how chess programs work.

I want a source file code of a chess program by C, C++, Basic or other programming languages(prefer C or C++).


Where can I find a source code file of a chess program in free?
look for GnuChess. It is Freeware and OpenCode. It is a very strong chess too. Around Elo 2300. not bad for Freeware.
Reply:I would have told you if I were knowing.
Reply:you can see this program on borland c++ 4. cd

this compiler contain a demo folder that you can find a nice chess program and source code with c++

I want source code for sorting techniques with files?

i want combined code in c,c++ using files ,vb and java of bubble,selection and quick sort

I want source code for sorting techniques with files?
Consult the help manual.

I badly require source code for vtu 5th sem system software project "design of 2 pass assembler"?

the source code may be either in turbo c in windows platform or in c in unix platform.

(preferably c in unix platform)

please mail it to my website

I badly require source code for vtu 5th sem system software project "design of 2 pass assembler"?
And tell me again why I'm doing *YOUR* homework? Oh, that's right, so you can remain *INCOMPETENT* and get a job with a degree you haven't *COMPLETELY* earned. How about you do your own homework? And I don't mean "Download your own homework" either!

Double posting, too. Oh, well.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I badly require source code for vtu 5th sem system software project "design of 2 pass assembler"?

the source code may be either in turbo c in windows platform or in c in unix platform.

(preferably c in unix platform)

please mail it to my website

I badly require source code for vtu 5th sem system software project "design of 2 pass assembler"?
And tell me again why I'm doing *YOUR* homework? Oh, that's right, so you can remain *INCOMPETENT* and get a job with a degree you haven't *COMPLETELY* earned. How about you do your own homework? And I don't mean "Download your own homework" either!

survey results

Where can i find C programming ebooks and sample source codes for free?

I am a beginner and i have a handful of knowledge on C

Where can i find C programming ebooks and sample source codes for free?

Or do a google search for c programming tutorials

Guys and Gals could you tell me where could Uget tons of C programs adn their source codes? is good.

Guys and Gals could you tell me where could Uget tons of C programs adn their source codes? is always a good place to start for open source projects.

Does somebody know some good websites with source codes for games made in C++?

i'd like to find source code for simple games and more complicated ones as well. Preferably source code with commentary in it.

Does somebody know some good websites with source codes for games made in C++?

Want a website where i can get very good tutorials on C++?

don't understand classes and objects and pointers

want aslso a site where i can get excellent C++ source codes

Want a website where i can get very good tutorials on C++?
for understanding c++ from the basics try this site

trust me its the best c++ tutorial site on the net

for source codes check out these links..

happy learning
Reply:Have u tried going to or or even better searched on! u know u can easily find videos in these places


Reply:I would look at

community survey

How long it takes to Master Visual C++ -->> Kindly please assist?

I mean from never know anything to something I can do in Visual C++ source codes that are found on free source sites.

I did some heavy programming in VB before -sort of intermediate. But I want to know how long will it take for me to master Visual C ++.

Can an experinced VC ++ programmer tell me

thank you

How long it takes to Master Visual C++ --%26gt;%26gt; Kindly please assist?
no one can tell you varies from person to person.....some master it rather quickly....some spend their entire lives trying to master it and never do
Reply:to really master C++ - about 5 to 6 years.

there's a study by IBM how long it takes to master C, and the outcome was 3 years.

Now C++ is way more complex, and you also need good skills in object-oriented design; 4 years is not enough, 5 or 6 is more realistic.

To just "understand and use" C++, maybe 6 to 12 months are enough, if you're very motivated and invest a lot of time, and already know another programming language.
Reply:It depends

If you learnt all the concepts with very hard work it will take only 3 months

If you do it with casual study it will take 6 months

Where I can get good source codes in turbo C?

try this

Where I can get good source codes in turbo C?
Reply:you can try the google...go to google then go to "more"

then search for "codes" their is a link their there..

Or a favourite site of

you will find more than enough about programming their not just in C but for other stuffs also.

Where can i get source codes in Turbo C++ for the application of my choice?

I need a recursive function for reversing the elements in a linear linked list. Any software mastermind there?

Where can i get source codes in Turbo C++ for the application of my choice?,1...

Please click the above link. It may be helpful to u.

Error deleting record on Excel using C# code, under Microsoft Expression Web. Please Help. Here is my code:?

When I view my web page there's no error that prompts and I can even click my delete button, but when I open my Excel sheet the data is still there. I need your suggestion.

public void delete_Click(Object Src, EventArgs E)


string connectionString;

connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +

@"Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\ojt04\My Documents\mySit\payroll\database\profile... +

"Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;";

OleDbConnection connA = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);


OleDbCommand command1 = new OleDbCommand("DELETE FROM [profilesheet$](FirstName) WHERE IDNo=txtid.Text",connA);












Error deleting record on Excel using C# code, under Microsoft Expression Web. Please Help. Here is my code:?
Are you deleting each cell at a time ??? that's the only you can change a excel spreadsheet
Reply:This isn't right:

"DELETE FROM [profilesheet$](FirstName) WHERE IDNo=txtid.Text"

It should be

"DELETE FROM [profilesheet$](FirstName) WHERE IDNo=" + txtid.Text

That was the first problem I saw anyway.

order flowers

Error deleting record on Excel using C# code, under Microsoft Expression Web. Please Help. Here is my code:?

When I view my web page there's no error that prompts and I can even click my delete button, but when I open my Excel sheet the data is still there. I need your suggestion.

public void delete_Click(Object Src, EventArgs E)


string connectionString;

connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +

@"Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\ojt04\My Documents\mySit\payroll\database\profile... +

"Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;";

OleDbConnection connA = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);


OleDbCommand command1 = new OleDbCommand("DELETE FROM [profilesheet$](FirstName) WHERE IDNo=txtid.Text",connA);












Error deleting record on Excel using C# code, under Microsoft Expression Web. Please Help. Here is my code:?
You don't seem to be getting any help so I will just ask if you know whether the statement

connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +

@"Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\ojt04\My Documents\mySit\payroll\database\profile... +

"Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;";

needs a continuation character at the end of the second line and perhaps and end quote before it and an opening quote the start line 3?

If I am wrong, just give this answer a thumbs down and I will remove it to increase (however slightly) your chances that someone else will provide and answer.

How to change the icon of a exe file created using C program?

The executable file created by compiling a C source code has the common blue block icon. How can it be changed to colour ful icons which i create.

How to change the icon of a exe file created using C program?
If you don't specifically include an icon in your .exe file when you compile your program, Windows will provide a default icon for it. (Windows doesn't include the icon within the file itself - it just displays that icon when you're looking at the file in Explorer or on the desktop.)

You don't mention which compiler you're using.

Anyway, you need to include a resource file (.RC) which names the icons you wish to include or the icon data itself.

This is a rather long explanation so I'll only point to where you should look. Look in the Windows SDK documentation and your compiler's help files regarding the "RegisterClass" Windows function and about resource files. All the compiler IDEs for Windows out there make it easy to include resources (icons, pictures, wav files, etc.) in your .exe files.


If you don't mind some advice:

If you're learning to program in Windows, I highly suggest "Programming Windows" by Charles Petzold, published by Microsoft Press. It is the de facto book for learning to program Windows. I learned to program Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 with his books. (You certainly do NOT want to learn Windows programming with the stupid object oriented libraries included with your compiler.)
Reply:check this address
Reply:You can change the icon of the EXE in Windows by going to its Properties and setting an icon for it. But that would be local to that system only.
Reply:After your executable is created, right click on it (shortcut). select properties. You should see Change Icon for the shortcut. There you select the required icon.
Reply:I think you can't modify the default icon for exe files. However you can modify icon of shortcut files by selecting properties from right click menu and then clicking on change icon for shortcut.

How do I slow down the display window for C++ programs in Visual Studio 2005?

I'm writing simple C++ source code in Visual Studio 2005, and would like to see the results displayed in the display window that pops up for about 1ms and then disappears again before I can see my results. Is there any way to lock the window so that it stays up until I close it?

How do I slow down the display window for C++ programs in Visual Studio 2005?
Hit Ctrl-F5, so VS pauses the program before closing it. Or run the program from the command line, as it is intended to be run.

Or ask the user for some input at the end. That is, have the user type something in the end, anything, so that the program pauses for that input.

Or system("PAUSE").

Note: Google in the future. Your question has been answered over and over by many others.

Binary numbers by C#?

any one can help me by giving me a concol application using C# source code of a small program that i give him two nombers then the program change it to binary %26amp; make for them Logic AND then give me the result to decimal

Binary numbers by C#?
Take a look here

spring flowers

How can I read a .bmp file in my C pragramme?

I want a method to read a bitmap(.bmp) file in my c source code.

besides the method I will be very greatfull and consider the best answer of those who will provide me the gud source code by e-mail plz help me.

How can I read a .bmp file in my C pragramme?
Knock yourself out (not all structure include in the code below):

unsigned char* read_windows_bmp(const char* infilename, ImageHeader* header)


FILE*infile = NULL;/* input file handle */

unsigned char*image_ptr = NULL;/* pointer to output image in memory */

unsigned char*writep = NULL;/* temp pointer writing to image */

BMPHeaderbh;/* BMP header */

charmode[] = "rb";/* mode to write to file */

unsigned longrow;/* row iterator */

unsigned longcol;/* column iterator */

/* Open the BMP File */

if ( (infile = fopen(infilename, mode)) == NULL )


fprintf(stderr, "can't open %s\n", infilename);

return image_ptr;


/* read first two bytes */

fread(%26amp;bh.magic1, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, infile);

fread(%26amp;bh.magic2, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, infile);

/* test to see if this is really a BMP file */

if (bh.magic1 != 'B' %26amp;%26amp; bh.magic2 != 'M')

return image_ptr;

/* read header information */

pm_read_little_long(infile, (long*)%26amp;bh.filesize);

pm_read_little_short(infile, (short*)%26amp;bh.res1);

pm_read_little_short(infile, (short*)%26amp;bh.res2);

pm_read_little_long(infile, (long*)%26amp;bh.pixeloffset);

pm_read_little_long(infile, (long*)%26amp;bh.bmisize);

pm_read_little_long(infile, (long*)%26amp;bh.cols);

pm_read_little_long(infile, (long*)%26amp;bh.rows);

pm_read_little_short(infile, (short*)%26amp;bh.planes);

pm_read_little_short(infile, (short*)%26amp;bh.bitsperpixel);

pm_read_little_long(infile, (long*)%26amp;bh.compression);

pm_read_little_long(infile, (long*)%26amp;bh.cmpsize);

pm_read_little_long(infile, (long*)%26amp;bh.xscale);

pm_read_little_long(infile, (long*)%26amp;bh.yscale);

pm_read_little_long(infile, (long*)%26amp;bh.colors);

pm_read_little_long(infile, (long*)%26amp;bh.impcolors);

/* If compressed, bail */

if ( bh.compression )


fprintf(stderr, "%s is compressed.\n", infilename);

return image_ptr;


/* set out header information */

header -%26gt; width = bh.cols;

header -%26gt; length = bh.rows;

header -%26gt; spp = (bh.bitsperpixel == 24) ? 3 : 1;

header -%26gt; rowbytes = header -%26gt; width * header -%26gt; spp;

header -%26gt; colorspace = (bh.bitsperpixel == 24) ? RGB_24_BIT : INDEX_8_BIT;

if ( header -%26gt; colorspace == INDEX_8_BIT )

;/* need to read color table */

/* move to start of image data */


fseek(infile, (long)bh.pixeloffset, SEEK_SET);

/* allocate space for new image */

image_ptr = init_image(*header, 0);

/* Windows BMP files are backwards so move write pointer to end of image */

writep = image_ptr + ( header -%26gt; rowbytes * header -%26gt; length );

/* only read 24 bit images for now */

if ( header -%26gt; colorspace == RGB_24_BIT )


/* loop through the image data */

for ( row = 0; row %26lt; header -%26gt; length; row++ )


/* backup one row */

writep -= header -%26gt; rowbytes;

for ( col = 0; col %26lt; header -%26gt; width; col++ )


/* read blue byte */

fread((writep+2), sizeof(unsigned char), 1, infile);

/* read green byte */

fread((writep+1), sizeof(unsigned char), 1, infile);

/* read red byte */

fread((writep+0), sizeof(unsigned char), 1, infile);

/* advance three bytes */

writep += 3;


/* backup another row */

writep -= header -%26gt; rowbytes;




fprintf(stderr, "%s is an indexed image.\n", infilename);

/* close file */


return image_ptr;

Reply:You can read a BMP using pure C code, but it's not easy... I found here an example written entirely in C which can read a 8-bit BMP file..

There is another way though... The C language recognizes assembler instructions. Each file has a header which gives all the info required to make the OS "understand" it. This part isn't located exactly at the begining at the file.. It depends!

Of course knowing these values and where to find them it would be easy just to configure them! You'll need assembler language for this.

I found the BMP header file at the second link (not much info though...).

Also, a way to work with it (and an example of code that understands 256-bits BMP and not only) is at the last link.. Although it's in pascla the code it's adaptable very easy to C

Hope this helps!

Searching the net is so easy it hurts!


p.s. It's spelt "program" in computer terminology. A programme is something you buy at the theater.