Sunday, August 2, 2009

C# please help me!!! 10 points?

hello everybody.

I whant to create a new folder on a pc by C# programming code.

Do you now some C# sources o tutorial for do it?


I'm sorry, but I'm not american, and I don't speak English very well.

Do you understand my English???


C# please help me!!! 10 points?

Use the following C# code to create the Directory:

System.IO.Directory. CreateDirectory ( Application.StartupPath + "\\myDir" );


if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists ( "C:\\myDir" ))


System.IO.Directory. CreateDirectory ( "C:\\myDir" );




MessageBox.Show( "Directory Already Exists!!!", "Directory Info", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel , MessageBoxIcon.Information );


Gud Luck :-)
Reply:I'm sorry, I don't understand by what you mean by "creating a 'new folder' on a pc by C# programming code." But if im correct on what u mean, M. (The person above me) is correct.

However these are some good tutorials if you're just a beginner.

CSharp Station

Programming Tutorials - C#

Functionx - CSharp Practical Learning

Also, if this is your first programming language, I suggest to learn something less complicated such as Visual Basic or maybe even Delphi.

Reply:Look at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory

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